
 #英文はGoogleの翻訳を使っています・English text uses Google translation

Go to a rich country, go to a safe country. This is unacceptable. Let's make the country of our birth rich and safe. Let's support from all over the world.


Finally…the earth belongs to everyone! I like simplicity, I like natural flow. In an age when we can go to the moon and shoot bombs thousands of miles away, why are there still brothers and sisters on earth starving to death? Another question is why charity activities around the world are not progressing. The answer is simple.


Humans are also animals, animals go to the oasis because they can drink water, and you can't save people with pretty words. There needs to be compensation.


We will improve the geology of areas that are suffering from poverty due to lack of crops!


Methods that don't give back will not succeed. If we give you a few percent of the profits, you can create a human oasis, which means that your investments will quickly become viable, and the miserable state of starvation will become a thing of the past.


If we allocate the money currently being spent on war damage to that, tears will disappear from developing countries in no time. The citizens of countries where ancient peoples are in power and are competing with each other should be ashamed.


Let's do this by coming up with various ideas so that the goals of both the local people and ourselves can be achieved.

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